About Us

Hey its me Butter here with Salt. We just wanted to tell you a little about ourselves. Hey I’m Courtney AKA Salt and I love to shop and fashion is my thing. I love to put outfits together and get the latest trends and we love movies that deal with fashion. Hello I’m Ryana AKA Butter. The things I enjoy the most are playing video games, jamming out to my music, and just hanging out watching movies. On this blog we will keep everyone up to date on the hottest movies and lame movies that are out and coming out. P.S. I now you probaly thinking where did yall get those names from? Well we thought people like butter, and salt on there popcorn so why not those names.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Apple Documentary

Butter and I watched a documentary over Apple Inc. today in class and were going to write two reviews…..here’s mine

Ok, to me the whole thing was kind of boring. I give it 1 out of 5 stars because it almost put me to sleep. But I couldn’t go because I was in class and the teacher would get mad. It almost didn’t get any stars but there was some comedy. There was an ex-engineer (that’s what he referred to himself as) who was saying some funny stuff. Such as “engineering makes you retarded and you should go out and get a life and a girl friend.” There was also a man that had a whole house/factory full of old Apple computers. He was considered the “collector.” It was so hilarious because everywhere you turned there they where. But besides the ex- engineer and the collector the rest of it was point less. Not to say Apple is point less because without them I wouldn’t have my beloved iPod Touch, but the people that where talking where really BORING!!!! I would tell all the older or computer geeks to check this documentary out. Just like the documentary said the age group for Apple user’s is 55-100 and I’m not apart of that AGE GROUP!!! (Not yet at least)

Funny Quote: “Good artists copy, Great artists steal.”

Special Shout Out To:

- Steve Jobs

- Andy Hertfeld

- Mike Marrkia

- Ron Wayne

- Susan Kare

……………………Just to name a few

FOR MAKING APPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Butter AKA Rayna

So as a class we watched a film Called Welcome to Macintosh. It was a documentary over Apple Computer Company. It showed the struggle the Apple Company had to stay in the computer business. But when Steve Jobs came back to Apple computers, it made a real big difference. It talked about how they thought that Microsoft saved Apple from dying. But the two only reasons was that: 1. Microsoft was confident in Apple and 2. It was like the marking game, stocks were being bought and they had stock partners. But in the end Apple made it big. You see people with iPods and Mac books. But the consumer’s age is mostly between the ages of 50- whatever. The older age group has been following Apple so they’re the ones that buy the new Mac computers. The interviews were pretty interesting. This guy Jim Reekse, was pretty real. He would say things like “engineers are retarded” or “Get a girlfriend, get a life”. He was just basically saying that engineers got it hard. Its not all fun and games, they go through so much work just to get things right. But the innovations of the Apple Computer got better over time. They faced some struggles but got back on the top. I really like the Mac computers they just come with a lot of awesome stuff to play around with. I’m glad that they made the iPod too. If I didn’t have my iPod I think my life would be over. Overall I give the film a 3.5 out of 5. It was really interesting to see the different Apple computers that were made. To me what caught my eye was when they had scenes of the computers just chilling on the grass or out in the open. That was really creative to me. When they would zoom up to the computer it showed dramatic effect. It was pretty cool.

1 comment:

  1. These two review talked about the same basic info, but you each had completely different opinions. I liked that you could both use the same facts to support two different sides. Fix the half-a-dozen grammatical errors and this review will be pretty darn good.

