About Us

Hey its me Butter here with Salt. We just wanted to tell you a little about ourselves. Hey I’m Courtney AKA Salt and I love to shop and fashion is my thing. I love to put outfits together and get the latest trends and we love movies that deal with fashion. Hello I’m Ryana AKA Butter. The things I enjoy the most are playing video games, jamming out to my music, and just hanging out watching movies. On this blog we will keep everyone up to date on the hottest movies and lame movies that are out and coming out. P.S. I now you probaly thinking where did yall get those names from? Well we thought people like butter, and salt on there popcorn so why not those names.

Friday, October 2, 2009

YouTube Videos

Today in class Salt and I reviewed videos on YouTube. These are the following videos we watched:

Blogging in Plain English was made by Lee and Sachi Lefever and was posted on YouTube November 29, 2007. This video is basically telling viewers what a blog is really about. Its like how in the 20th century news was mainly professional; reporters would get information and make newspaper that usually dealt with sports, the world and politics. And they compare it to the 21st century, which is still professional, but also about people’s personal life/news. So these people discover a web blog, they became their own news reporters reporting (blogging) about their own life or the world in general. An example of a blog can be business owner share news about his business and what his business is all about. All you have to do is go to a free blog site like blogger.com, sign up, and fill out a post and bam you just made a blog. Also when viewers read you blog they usually make a comment to your review, then they might tell their friends about your post and link it up to their own blogs. Since 2003 70 million blogs have been created. Anyone can blog it’s just that simple. This video is good for anyone who likes illustrations and easy get-to-the-point information. As for us, we think it was pretty interesting. It was good information and very easy to follow.

Zombies in Plain English was made by Lee and Sachi Lefever and was posted on YouTube October 23, 2007. This video is about how Halloween will have a high chance on zombie attacks. They give you examples and information on what to do when a zombie attacks. They even describes what people look like when they might be a zombie. It’s a good idea if you stock up on food and weapons to protect yourself from a zombie attack. In order for zombies to be stopped you must cut their heads off to stop the brain flow from sending actions to different parts of the body. Some good weapon choice would be a chain saw, hatchet, a gun to shoot the zombie in the head, and just weapons used to cut off he zombies head. They would also what you to go to places with high altitude and big body’s of water since zombies can’t swim or stand the cold weather. This is the safest thing you can do. Also protect yourself; if your friend gets bitten he or she can no longer be saved. Just kill them now so they wont go after you. This video was pretty interesting. We love zombies so we already know what to do when a zombie attacks. We are so prepared!

Great Tasting Americano a stop motion video, was made by Wash Me Production Team posted on You Tube May 10, 2008. This is a short stop motion video that at first didn’t make any sense to me what so ever. Its about this paper guy thing that has a bad day. He gets hit by a car and punched by a guy then his life level goes down. He steels a car and drives to gets a drink which is coffee to power him back up. I heard from a source that its a Grand Theft Auto parody or something like that. So this quick little stop motion video was fun.

Food Fight posted on YouTube February 27, 2008, is a stop motion video about well a food fight. It’s very creative and really awesome. The food looks really funny when it’s exploding on the other foods or hitting the food. The only thing that was difficult to follow was whose on whose team. It was just like burgers hitting other burgers. I think the nuggets and burgers were on a team but I’m not too sure about that. On the YouTube page it said something about how the food is like a reenacting of different battles. The only one that seems similar is when there are two towers of burgers. It seems like that’s suppose to be the twin towers of something. While we watching the video I could hear people comment and say, “that wasn’t cool of them to do” and “oh that’s bad”. It took me a couple of minutes to figure that out. But to some people they get offended of that. But if you want to see food in action then you should so check this video out.

Back Of The Mike posted on YouTube October 16, 2007, is a video that shows the different effects that goes into making a radio broadcast. This video was really interesting. The video shows a young boy sitting down listening to a radio broadcast. You see his imagination on what happening during the broadcast, but then it also shows what’s really happening to create the sounds on the radio broadcast. It’s really awesome that they use so many different tools and equipment to make all these different sounds.

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