About Us

Hey its me Butter here with Salt. We just wanted to tell you a little about ourselves. Hey I’m Courtney AKA Salt and I love to shop and fashion is my thing. I love to put outfits together and get the latest trends and we love movies that deal with fashion. Hello I’m Ryana AKA Butter. The things I enjoy the most are playing video games, jamming out to my music, and just hanging out watching movies. On this blog we will keep everyone up to date on the hottest movies and lame movies that are out and coming out. P.S. I now you probaly thinking where did yall get those names from? Well we thought people like butter, and salt on there popcorn so why not those names.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Psycho 1960 *Spoiler*

Psycho is a black and white movie. In the beginning a woman named Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) stole 40,000 dollars from her boss. And she headed to Phoenix, Arizona. Before she arrived in Phoenix she got tired and pulled over and when she woke up there was a cop staring at her. He questioned her but her let her go. On the way she stopped at a car dealer ship and bought a car, so now one would now who she was. After traveling so long in the rain she found a hotel called the Bates Hotel. She deiced to stay there because it was late and she was tired. A man named Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) greeted her. Norman shows Marion to her hotel. He puts her in cabin one. He goes in the cabin with her and shows her around. And asks her if she wants to have dinner with him. She agrees and Norman goes up to his house that is right by the hotel. Marion hears screaming. She hears an old woman’s voice saying she doesn’t want anyone at the house for dinner. So Norman comes back and says his mom doesn’t want any company. But he did bring her some food. They sat in the office and talked while Marion ate. After Marion got through eating she left to go back to room. After getting settle in her room, she decided to take a shower. While she was taking a shower a shadow appeared. The mysterious shadow pulled the shower curtain back and started stabbing Marion. Norman heard screaming so he ran down to the cabin and he found the body and he was so shocked. He got right to work. He moved the body onto the shower curtain and cleaned the bathroom. After cleaning the bathroom he took Marion’s body and all her belongs and put them in the back of her car. He gets in the car and drives to the swamp right behind the old house and pushes the car into the swamp. A couple days go by and Marion sister, Lila Crane (Vera Miles) comes back from her trip and goes by Sam Loomis (John Gavin) shop because she is worried about her sister and cant get in contact, and Sam was the person to go to because Marion and Sam where having an affair. Before to long a private detective, Milton Arbogast came interrogated both of them. After talking to the both of them Milton deiced to go to every hotel and find Marion. After searching all over the town he finally stumbled on the Bates Hotel. He questioned Bates, and Norman tells him nothing about Marion but he does slip something about his mother. Milton gets suspicious and calls Lila and tells her that he’s going to stay an hour later to see if he can talk to Norman Bates mom. Milton goes in the house, before he can get to the mom’s room the mysterious shadow comes out of the mothers room stabs Milton. Lila and Sam get worried so then go to the Bates Motel themselves. Lila goes up to the house and into the basement where she finds ms. Bates, but she is dead. Norman bates comes after Lila dressed as his mother, Sam stops him from attacking Lila. They go to the police station and question Norman. The police tell him they got all the information form Mrs. Bates. The police tell them what happened and they get confused but found out that Norman is himself and his mother. They share their body and mind. Its pretty confusing at first but you just have to watch the movie yourself to get the whole story and feel for yourself.

Rayna aka Butter:

In class we watched 1960 Psycho. This movie was really awesome. I like the whole set up of the move and the plot was really good. It caught my attention through out the entire movie. I just wanted to know what was going to happen and who was going to die next. The epic shower scene was pretty amazing. She was all taking a shower and out of knows where the so-called Ms. Bates started stabbing her. Then Norman Bates freaking out. Ha classic. It was kind of sad that all that mans money was left to the swamp. So much money . . . oh wells that’s what you get for flirting with young women. That Norman dude was really weird, he seemed all nice but he was messed up in the head. Stuffing his mother and then dang birds . . .Weirdo. I really liked this movie I give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Courtney aka Salt:

I really liked this movie, usually I don’t like scary movies but this was an exception. When we were first watching the movie I thought the movie was going to be about Marion (the woman who stole the money) but she died in the first 40min of the film so I knew there where so crazy things to come. As I predicted there where a lot of crazy things. In the end Norman was his mom and himself at the same time, that kind of creped me out. I’ve heard of spilt personalities but he took it to the extreme! When the movie was ending he was in the police office and he was talking in the mom voice, and he smiled like a crazy psycho that was so priceless! I give it 4.1 out of 5 stars.


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