About Us

Hey its me Butter here with Salt. We just wanted to tell you a little about ourselves. Hey I’m Courtney AKA Salt and I love to shop and fashion is my thing. I love to put outfits together and get the latest trends and we love movies that deal with fashion. Hello I’m Ryana AKA Butter. The things I enjoy the most are playing video games, jamming out to my music, and just hanging out watching movies. On this blog we will keep everyone up to date on the hottest movies and lame movies that are out and coming out. P.S. I now you probaly thinking where did yall get those names from? Well we thought people like butter, and salt on there popcorn so why not those names.

Monday, October 26, 2009



Movie TITLE: Psycho 1960

GENRE: Horror\suspense

DATE: October 26, 2009

1. Opening Image (1): Marion Crane and Sam Loomis are in bed together.

2. Theme Stated (5): Marion Crane needs money to marry her boyfriend so she steals money from her job. She then travels to where Sam lives. On the way he runs into trouble.

3. Set-Up (1-10): Marion says she’s going to take the money to the bank; instead she goes home and packs for her trip with the money. She pulls over for the night and wakes up to a cop. She the goes to trade in her car.

4. Catalyst (12): She pulls over for the night and wakes up to a cop. The cop follows her to the car dealership. She then trades in her car.

5. Debate (12-25): it’s raining so she pulls over and finds a motel. She then arrives at Bates Motel.

6. Break into two (25): She checks into the motel signing in using a fake name.

7. B Story (30): There she meets Norman Bates. He asks her to have dinner with him. The mother gets mad.

8. Fun and Games (30-55): Marion’s takes a shower she then gets stabbed to death by “Mrs. Bates.” Norman finds her dead cleans up the blood and takes Marion and her belonging and puts them in the car. Then drives the car into the swamp.

9. Midpoint (55): Marion’s sister, Lila goes looking for her in California she thinks she’s there with Sam. A private detective, Milton Arbogast is hired to go looking for her.

10. Bad Guys Close in (55-75): Detective Arbogast find the Bates Motel off the highway. Questions Norman bates. Finds out that Marion was staying there under another name. He leaves then phones Lila. Detective Arbogast goes back to the Bates Motel.

11. All is lost (75): Deactivate Arbogast goes into the Bates house, goes up the stairs and is attack by a figure problem Mrs. Bates.

12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85): Lila and Sam are worried so they contact the sheriff. He calls up the Bates.

13. Break into three (85): Sam is fed up and goes down to the Bates motel himself. Lila joins him. They check in as a married couple. Lila goes up to the house in search of her sister and Mrs. Bates. She goes down into the cellar and finds Mrs. Bates, she is just a corpse. Norman bates is dressed up like his mother and tries to attack Lila. Sam stops him.

14. Finale (85-110): the police tell him about Mrs. Bates and how he got the information about everything from her (she is part of Norman)

15. Final Image (110): they are puling Marion’s car out of the swamp.

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