About Us

Hey its me Butter here with Salt. We just wanted to tell you a little about ourselves. Hey I’m Courtney AKA Salt and I love to shop and fashion is my thing. I love to put outfits together and get the latest trends and we love movies that deal with fashion. Hello I’m Ryana AKA Butter. The things I enjoy the most are playing video games, jamming out to my music, and just hanging out watching movies. On this blog we will keep everyone up to date on the hottest movies and lame movies that are out and coming out. P.S. I now you probaly thinking where did yall get those names from? Well we thought people like butter, and salt on there popcorn so why not those names.

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Nosferatu is a silent black and white film directed by F. W. Murnau starring Max Schreck as the vampire Count Orlok. It is to say that the man that played Nosferatu would go around set terrorizing people and staying in character. To us that is a bit unusual and really weird. So basically the movie starts out that Jonathan Harker (Gustav von Wangerheim) is working as a real estate in German, Wisborg, he is asked to travel to Transylvania to sale the house of Count Orlok. Jonathan is close to his destination and stay at a inn, he mentions the counts name and people are frighten and tell him not to travel there. Later that night he finds a book about vampires. He then reaches the Counts castle. He is severed dinner, but all of a sudden things go wrong when he cuts himself while cutting bread. The Count starts walking toward Jonathan since he wants is blood, Jonathan falls asleep. He wakes up to notice bite wounds on his neck; he thinks its just mosquito bites. Count Orlok then notices Jonathan’s pictures of his wife and admires her neck. Then Jonathan’s wife Nina (Greta Schröder) starts to see the Count and she starts to freak. Then Jonathan explore the counts caste sees him asleep in his coffin, then the count deports on a boat leaving for his new house in German Wisborg. Jonathan freaks and falls out if the window, he is taking to a hospital. People start dying on the boat since the count is on there drinking everyone blood. The boat finally reaches town and the boat is inspected, they find the dead captain and read his diary, then they think the plague is here and the town freaks. The count then goes to his new house. Jonathan then returns home to his wife. While he was a way the professor was admitted to a place. Nina starts to freak and wants Jonathan to go and get help. While away the count comes ad attack her. He then bites her neck, it then turns into morning and the count burns form the sun. Jonathan then goes to Nina he hugs her. Then the movie ends. The last image shown is Count Orlok castle. This movie was pretty boring since it didn’t really have anyone talking and you would have to read some subtitles. But since this movie was made back in the day it was pretty good. Some of the parts you could tell that it was nighttime since the Count would only come out at night. They really couldn’t show it because they didn’t have any advance technology like we do now. They tried doing different camera effects and that was pretty good. I, Butter get pretty confused easily so when we were told that it was based on Dracula it just lost me there. I guess Dracula is real and they wanted to make a movie about him? I don’t really know for sure I need to look up some more information. All i know is that they were gonna be sued and went bankrupt. I, Butter give the movie a 3 out of 5 stars.

Hey Salt here, after watching Nosferatu I was ready to go to sleep. This movie to me was so boring. I was lost through the whole movie. Plus the movie was silent. The background music was not interesting at all. Basically I’m a 21st century girl and I’m used to have talking movies. And I like my vampires to look more like Edward from Twilight or Stefan Salvatore from Vampire Diaries. I give this lame movie .05 out of 5 stars

Spoiler Alert Beat Sheet Nosferatu

1. Opening Image: Jonathan is looking at himself in a mirror.

2. Theme Stated: It’s about a vampire that is trying to suck Nina’s blood (Jonathan’s wife).

3. Set-Up: Jonathan has to go to the Counts castle because Nock (his boss) wants him to sell a house. Jonathan leaves his wife with Lucy Westenra and her husband.

4. Catalyst: He wakes up in that inn and starts to read the book about the vampires. Jonathan makes it to an inn and reads about vampires.

5. Debate: he hears things about the Count and he doesn’t know Whether or not he should continue on his trip to the Counts castle.

6. act Two: Jonathan decides to keep on going with his trip.

7. B Story: Jonathan meets Nosferatu and has dinner with him.

8. Fun and Games: Jonathan finds out that Nosferatu is a strange person and has to escape and go back home to his wife.

9. Midpoint: Nosferatu then gets on the boat to leave for London he wants to get Nina.

10. Bad Guys Close In: while on the boat Nosferatu starts killing of the crew.

11. All is lost: Nosferatu kills everyone on the boat; he then arrives to London where he moves into his new home waiting to get Nina.

12. Dark Knight of the Soul: the police search the boat and has found the captains diary they read it and make out that they think the plague has come.

13. Break into Three: Nina then decides that she’s going to sacrifice her life to save everyone.

14. Finale: Nosferatu finds Nina and he drinks her blood. It then turns into dawn and Nosferatu dies.

15. Final Image: Seeing Jonathan holding Nina, as she lies there dead. Jonathan is holing Nina (she’s dead).


  1. hahaha wow but Edward is lame to the max dude with his sparkly self.

  2. edward is better than that lame Nosferatu!!!!
