About Us

Hey its me Butter here with Salt. We just wanted to tell you a little about ourselves. Hey I’m Courtney AKA Salt and I love to shop and fashion is my thing. I love to put outfits together and get the latest trends and we love movies that deal with fashion. Hello I’m Ryana AKA Butter. The things I enjoy the most are playing video games, jamming out to my music, and just hanging out watching movies. On this blog we will keep everyone up to date on the hottest movies and lame movies that are out and coming out. P.S. I now you probaly thinking where did yall get those names from? Well we thought people like butter, and salt on there popcorn so why not those names.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Lost Boys

In class today we watched Lost Boys. This movie was about vampires. The movie started with some of the main characters there names where Michael (Jason Patric) and Sam (Corey Haim) which where the two sons. Lucy (Dianne Wiest) was there mother. They where traveling to Santa Carla a town on the coast in California to move in with Lucy’s father. When they arrived Michael saw the back of a billboard it said “Murder Capital of The World.” From then on Michael was always suspicious of the town. That night after getting settled in, Michael and Sam went to the boardwalk that they had seen as earlier. When they got to the boardwalk they saw that there was a concert going on so they went. Once they got to where the concert was at Michael saw this girl that he found pretty. She saw that he was interested and she walked away hoping that he would follow. Liked she wanted he followed. They almost went all over the whole boardwalk until; he finally caught up with her. Before he could say something, she got on the back of some other dudes motorcycle. While the kids where following the girl, there mom got a job at a video and electronics store, the name of the man that gave her the job was Max (Edward Hermann). The next night Michael goes back to the boardwalk, and he finds the girl he finds out the girl’s name is Star (Jami Gertz). Michael invites her to hangout but the same guy that was on the motorcycle last night doesn’t want her to. David the head vampire in the gang sees potential in Michael (Kiefer Sutherland) so he asks him if wants to take a challenge. They get on their motorcycles and they race and race and it’s so dark that you can’t really see anything only the little light from the motorcycle. Michael suddenly sees a cliff and stops the motorcycle. After the race David asks Michael if he wants to go to his hangout. Once getting to the hangout the gang offered him some Chinese food. After finishing it they gave him a mysterious bottle. The bottle was filled with a red subtends. Michael drank the drink. While hanging out with the gang then David deiced it would be fun to hang from train tracks. Michael was so scared. Then whole gang was falling in a fog. But Michael couldn’t pull his self up and couldn’t hold on. So he deiced to fall. He ended up in his bedroom. While all that stuff was going on Michael’s little brother Sam was still on the boardwalk. He found a comic book store. He went into the store and he met these kids. Edgar and Alan Frog (Corey Feldman and Jamison Newlander). They made fun of Sam’s clothing but when Sam starting talking about comics they where really interested. So days past and Sam starts to notice Michael’s strange behaviors. He gets the frog brothers involve; they confirm that he is a vampire. They then tell him that they must kill the head vampire for Michael to become human again. So they make a plan to go down to the lair, which is the cave. They kill one vampire but David wants revenge on them for killing him. So when night comes David and the rest of his gang goes to Sam's house. The frog brother’s mange to kill some of the vampires, and Michael manages to kill David. But then they realize that David isn’t the head vampire. Mom and max come home from their date and they realize that max is the head vampire. So Lucy the mom has to become max mate in order for them to survive. But then the grandpa drives in with his truck killing the vampire. Lucy’s father goes to the refrigerator grabbing a root beer saying "One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach... all the damn vampires," so in the end he knew all along about the vampires.

Rayna aka Butter

So we watch the movie the lost boys, it was very interesting. I really enjoyed the movie. Vampires are pretty cool but I love zombies more. So this movie was about how this one guy was turned into a half vampire and his brother wanted to kill the head vampire to save his brother. Well his movie was pretty good, I didn’t fall asleep and it was in color. I really like the Corey’s their pretty funny. I liked watching the show they had the two Coreys. It was so dumb and funny. Anyway the movie was interesting the effects and scene were pretty good. I like how Michael was falling and he landed on his bed that was cool. The vampires looked really awesome. I liked how the noodles were all worms but then noodles again. I would watch The Lost Boys 2. I give this movie a 4 of 5 stars.

Courtney aka Salt

In class today we watched Lost Boys. I got lost during the movie. When they where wanting him to be in there gang I was confused why he went with them. I thought he wanted Star but then he just went with his rivals, what kind of stuff is that? Then they started doing strange things and I really lost. But I think I will give it a 2 out of 5 stars because I like vampires.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Beat Sheet: The Lost Boys


Movie TITLE: The Lost Boys 1987

GENRE: Horror action-horror

DATE: November 3, 2000

1. Opening Image (1): Sam, Michael and their mother arrive in to Santa Carla California, Michael notices the build board that has graffiti on it saying this is the murder capital of the world.

2. Theme Stated (5): two sons and their mother move to Santa Carla, California where their mother’s father lives. They check out the store and attractions on the boardwalk they each meet different people. Michael the oldest son meets Star, Sam meets the Frog Brothers and Lucy meets Max. When Michael messes around with Star that’s when things start to go wrong.

3. Set-Up (1-10): Michael wants to have dinner with Star but when they’re about to leave David, the gang leader wants to have a motorcycle race with Michael. They start to have the race but then that’s when Michael almost goes over the edge of a sea cliff. He then punches David and tells Michael he has potential.

4. Catalyst (12): David and the gang take Michael to there underground lair, there they tell Michael to drink from a bottle of wine. Buts Star tells him its blood. He ignores her and drinks anyway.

5. Debate (12-25): Sam starts to notice Michael’s strange behaviors, he tells the frog brothers and ask him questions. They then confirm that Michael is a vampire.

6. Break into two (25): Lucy goes on her date with max while Michael leaves the house to go with the gang. Michael watches the gang kill and so he leaves.

7. B Story (30): Michael goes to the underground lair to find Star and explains to him that he’s a half vampire, they start to kiss then they have sex.

8. Fun and Games (30-55): Sam learns that they need to kill the head vampire to get all the half vampires back to human. So Lucy invites Max over for dinner. Sam invites the frog brothers also too. They attempt several vampire tests on Max, with garlic and mirrors he was unaffected by the test.

9. Midpoint (55): Sam and the frog brothers come up with a plan to go into David’s lair hoping to kill the head vampire. They kill a vampire and David wants revenge come sundown.

10. Bad Guys Close in (55-75): Michael, Sam, and the frog brothers prepare for the gangs attack. Sam kills one with an arrow; the other is knocked into the bathtub filled with holy water.

11. All is lost (75): Michael and David battle and throw each other into the wall. Finally Michael pushes David into deer antlers. He then dies.

12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85): once they kill David they believe that everything is suppose to go back to normal but it doesn’t. They are still half vampire.

13. Break into three (85): max and Lucy come home from their date. Max reveals that he is the head vampire and he wants Lucy to be his mate.

14. Finale (85-110): max is about to bite Lucy’s neck but then her father crashes in with his jeep with large spike s on it, then runs into max killing him. The half vampires turn back into humans.

15. Final Image (110): Lucy’s father goes to the refrigerator grabbing a root beer saying "One thing about living in Santa Carla I never could stomach... all the damn vampires," so in the end he knew all along about the vampires.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Renaissance Festival

Hey Salt here, I had a good time at the Renaissance Festival mainly because I got to get out of school. Besides that the turkey legs where ok, but one of my friends got the popcorn chicken and that was way better. The money I spent on my food I could have gotten a whole meal at Mc Donald’s and then some. The turkey leg was $4 and the drink I got was $8. I probably could’ve gotten a cheaper drink but I really wanted the yard drink cup to use for a souvenir. Then before we left I got a re-fill for $4. Just from food I spent $16 by it self. Besides eating food, I went on the big swing for $3. Then after that I only had $4 left so with little money I just walked around looking at stuff. To go to the Renaissance Festival you really need to have like $70 or more because everything so pricey. You need money for rides, souvenirs, and food, if you don’t have enough you probably will get bored very quickly.

Next Year: Manor New Tech needs to get charter buses, so we can be comfortable on the 2 and half hour ride.

The Renaissance Festival in Plantersville, Texas, was pretty ok this year. Last year was way better. This year my little group (Courtney, Nikole, and Regina) was all suppose to hang out. Well that little plan didn’t go to well. In the beginning we all got lost, Regina went off with Judah, Courtney and Nikole were hungry to they were off and I was just walking around being lost with Arturo. It was pretty funny. So then I found Courtney and Nikole. Then we called up Regina and we were all together. But Regina brought along Judah so it was kind of ok. Then they wanted to get on the swing ride. The swing ride is pretty cool. But I didn’t feel up to it so I sat out. I had to hold Regina’s bag and Judah’s turkey leg so it was pretty lame. Then I left and was walking around and met up with another group of friends. (Thomas, Patrick, Nathaniel, Kyle day and Ricardo) So the swing ride was over and then they went to another ride. I gave back their stuff and left with Thomas and Nathaniel. We were just walking around and talking. Then I was hungry so I got me a cheeseburger. It was like 4 bucks. An ok price, the burger was pretty big but I shared it with Thomas and Nathaniel. So Nathaniel went off to go find Ricardo. Thomas and I just went around walking nothing much to do. Then we went back to find Regina and Courtney but found out that Regina wasn’t with them anymore. Regina and I were supposed to get married but she got lost since there are two wedding chapels. (I find out at the end on the day that she got married to Judah again!) So then we all just left and went to get something to drink. Them drinks are pretty good but kind of expensive. The cup drink should be like 2.50 and in the larger cup it should be like 5.50. But the drink in the cup was 4 bucks and the larger one was 8. Its worth it though people were still getting them drinks. They have cool stuff to buy there but you got to have money. They have a cheaper store but the rings and necklaces are sometimes broken or missing stuff. They had some fun striped colored socks and Legend of Zelda ocarinas. But I think the ocarinas could have been made better. They also had horns that were pretty cool. I wanted some but didn’t want to spend 15 bucks on some red ones. The people that worked there are nice and cool. They dress like the people they are suppose to be reenacting so its pretty awesome, they even talk like them. To me last year was funnier I didn’t get separated from my group and didn’t have to worry about were everyone was. But one thing I really wanted was that dang cheesecake on a stick. I didn’t find it anywhere. Jonathan was all talking about it but I didn’t find it. He said it was good. Lucky him. But it’s cool that the teacher’s let us split up, but some students didn’t deserve to split up, they were causing drama and fighting, that’s what I heard. The bus ride back was fun. Got to sit with Courtney this time. Everyone on our bus needed to use the restroom so we stopped. It’s awesome that we didn’t have to pay to get in but the food its kind of pricy. I heard that some students got a lunch pass. But its awesome that we went I had fun it was like a free day.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Psycho 1960 *Spoiler*

Psycho is a black and white movie. In the beginning a woman named Marion Crane (Janet Leigh) stole 40,000 dollars from her boss. And she headed to Phoenix, Arizona. Before she arrived in Phoenix she got tired and pulled over and when she woke up there was a cop staring at her. He questioned her but her let her go. On the way she stopped at a car dealer ship and bought a car, so now one would now who she was. After traveling so long in the rain she found a hotel called the Bates Hotel. She deiced to stay there because it was late and she was tired. A man named Norman Bates (Anthony Perkins) greeted her. Norman shows Marion to her hotel. He puts her in cabin one. He goes in the cabin with her and shows her around. And asks her if she wants to have dinner with him. She agrees and Norman goes up to his house that is right by the hotel. Marion hears screaming. She hears an old woman’s voice saying she doesn’t want anyone at the house for dinner. So Norman comes back and says his mom doesn’t want any company. But he did bring her some food. They sat in the office and talked while Marion ate. After Marion got through eating she left to go back to room. After getting settle in her room, she decided to take a shower. While she was taking a shower a shadow appeared. The mysterious shadow pulled the shower curtain back and started stabbing Marion. Norman heard screaming so he ran down to the cabin and he found the body and he was so shocked. He got right to work. He moved the body onto the shower curtain and cleaned the bathroom. After cleaning the bathroom he took Marion’s body and all her belongs and put them in the back of her car. He gets in the car and drives to the swamp right behind the old house and pushes the car into the swamp. A couple days go by and Marion sister, Lila Crane (Vera Miles) comes back from her trip and goes by Sam Loomis (John Gavin) shop because she is worried about her sister and cant get in contact, and Sam was the person to go to because Marion and Sam where having an affair. Before to long a private detective, Milton Arbogast came interrogated both of them. After talking to the both of them Milton deiced to go to every hotel and find Marion. After searching all over the town he finally stumbled on the Bates Hotel. He questioned Bates, and Norman tells him nothing about Marion but he does slip something about his mother. Milton gets suspicious and calls Lila and tells her that he’s going to stay an hour later to see if he can talk to Norman Bates mom. Milton goes in the house, before he can get to the mom’s room the mysterious shadow comes out of the mothers room stabs Milton. Lila and Sam get worried so then go to the Bates Motel themselves. Lila goes up to the house and into the basement where she finds ms. Bates, but she is dead. Norman bates comes after Lila dressed as his mother, Sam stops him from attacking Lila. They go to the police station and question Norman. The police tell him they got all the information form Mrs. Bates. The police tell them what happened and they get confused but found out that Norman is himself and his mother. They share their body and mind. Its pretty confusing at first but you just have to watch the movie yourself to get the whole story and feel for yourself.

Rayna aka Butter:

In class we watched 1960 Psycho. This movie was really awesome. I like the whole set up of the move and the plot was really good. It caught my attention through out the entire movie. I just wanted to know what was going to happen and who was going to die next. The epic shower scene was pretty amazing. She was all taking a shower and out of knows where the so-called Ms. Bates started stabbing her. Then Norman Bates freaking out. Ha classic. It was kind of sad that all that mans money was left to the swamp. So much money . . . oh wells that’s what you get for flirting with young women. That Norman dude was really weird, he seemed all nice but he was messed up in the head. Stuffing his mother and then dang birds . . .Weirdo. I really liked this movie I give it a 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Courtney aka Salt:

I really liked this movie, usually I don’t like scary movies but this was an exception. When we were first watching the movie I thought the movie was going to be about Marion (the woman who stole the money) but she died in the first 40min of the film so I knew there where so crazy things to come. As I predicted there where a lot of crazy things. In the end Norman was his mom and himself at the same time, that kind of creped me out. I’ve heard of spilt personalities but he took it to the extreme! When the movie was ending he was in the police office and he was talking in the mom voice, and he smiled like a crazy psycho that was so priceless! I give it 4.1 out of 5 stars.

Monday, October 26, 2009



Movie TITLE: Psycho 1960

GENRE: Horror\suspense

DATE: October 26, 2009

1. Opening Image (1): Marion Crane and Sam Loomis are in bed together.

2. Theme Stated (5): Marion Crane needs money to marry her boyfriend so she steals money from her job. She then travels to where Sam lives. On the way he runs into trouble.

3. Set-Up (1-10): Marion says she’s going to take the money to the bank; instead she goes home and packs for her trip with the money. She pulls over for the night and wakes up to a cop. She the goes to trade in her car.

4. Catalyst (12): She pulls over for the night and wakes up to a cop. The cop follows her to the car dealership. She then trades in her car.

5. Debate (12-25): it’s raining so she pulls over and finds a motel. She then arrives at Bates Motel.

6. Break into two (25): She checks into the motel signing in using a fake name.

7. B Story (30): There she meets Norman Bates. He asks her to have dinner with him. The mother gets mad.

8. Fun and Games (30-55): Marion’s takes a shower she then gets stabbed to death by “Mrs. Bates.” Norman finds her dead cleans up the blood and takes Marion and her belonging and puts them in the car. Then drives the car into the swamp.

9. Midpoint (55): Marion’s sister, Lila goes looking for her in California she thinks she’s there with Sam. A private detective, Milton Arbogast is hired to go looking for her.

10. Bad Guys Close in (55-75): Detective Arbogast find the Bates Motel off the highway. Questions Norman bates. Finds out that Marion was staying there under another name. He leaves then phones Lila. Detective Arbogast goes back to the Bates Motel.

11. All is lost (75): Deactivate Arbogast goes into the Bates house, goes up the stairs and is attack by a figure problem Mrs. Bates.

12. Dark Night of the Soul (75-85): Lila and Sam are worried so they contact the sheriff. He calls up the Bates.

13. Break into three (85): Sam is fed up and goes down to the Bates motel himself. Lila joins him. They check in as a married couple. Lila goes up to the house in search of her sister and Mrs. Bates. She goes down into the cellar and finds Mrs. Bates, she is just a corpse. Norman bates is dressed up like his mother and tries to attack Lila. Sam stops him.

14. Finale (85-110): the police tell him about Mrs. Bates and how he got the information about everything from her (she is part of Norman)

15. Final Image (110): they are puling Marion’s car out of the swamp.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Buffy the Vampire Slayer "Hush"

So this episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer starts out as Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is in her class and the professor is talking. She asked Buffy to lie on her desk, then tells Riley(Marc Blucas) to go over there and kiss her. So they start kissing and the sun goes down. Then Buffy hears something, it’s a little girl holding a box singing this nursery rhyme: Can't even shout, can't even cry. The Gentlemen are coming by. Looking in windows, knocking on doors, they need to take seven and they might take yours. Can’t call to mom, can't say a word, you’re gonna die screaming but you won't be heard. But then Buffy wakes up and it’s just a dream. . Or is it? so during this episode there are 3 main things going on, 1 is that Anya (Emma Caulfield), Xanders (Nicholas Brendon) girl friend doesn’t think he loves her, 2 is that willow discovers that the girls in her Wicca group are just wannabes and 3 is Buffy and Riley seem like their relationship is slow and that their too shy to even kiss. So that’s when things start to happen. Since Spike (James Marsters) has to stay with Xander - since Giles (Anthony Stewart Head ) lady friend is coming to visit, Xander doesn’t really trust Spike- he’s on Buffy’s side since he’s like in love with her. So at the clock tower the Gentlemen opens a box, and the voices of all the people in Sunnydale float out and go into the box. So Buffy and Willow (Alyson Hannigan) wake up and start to panic. Xander wakes up and blames Spike. Riley and Forrest (Leonard Roberts) try to get to the underground lab but since they need voice identification it doesn't work. Professor Walsh (Lindsay Crouse) opens the door for them and points to the sign that says use stairs in case of emergency. So Willow and Buffy make it to Giles. Buffy then sees Riley and since they can’t speak they finally kiss. Later that night the gentlemen are out and about and they float in midair with their assistants behind them. They make their way to the dorms and cut out a guy’s heart. During that night Olivia (Phina Oruche), Giles lady friend sees the creature. The next morning she draws it out for Giles and he recognizes and takes out a fairy tale book. Then Giles calls for the gang and he gives them a lecture with pictures about the gentlemen and how to stop them and what they are about. The only way to defeat them is for a human to scream it has to be real not a recording. Giles then sends Buffy out to patrol. They are shocked to see each other but forget about that because the assistants are after them and they start to fight. So the girl from the Wicca group Tara (Amber Benson) needs to find Willow. The Gentleman is chasing after her, she finally meets up with Willow and they get corned in this room. Willow and Tara join hands and together they push the vending machine against the door. So back to Xander, he sees Spike kneeling down with blood on his lips and think that he has bitten Anya. He starts punching spike but Anya breaks them up. Xander then kisses Anya and to Anya this means that he really does care about her. While Buffy is trying to fight off the Gentleman and the assistants she motions for Riley to brake open the box. He then smashes the box and everyone voice is returned, Buffy then screams. The Gentleman’s head then explodes. the next day Willow and Tara talk about witches and Giles and Olivia talk about all the scary things, Riley then goes to Buffy’s dorm and says they need to talk, instead they struck out in silence and don’t know what to say.

Butter here, ok I really like this episode. It was really fun. I love how the Gentlemen looked. They were just so awesome looking. They were creepy looking but seemed polite, they got their assistants to do the dirty work for them. The assistants were even more creepier then the Gentlemen, they would swing their arms around and would walk all weird. Joss Whedon is really an awesome director he wanted to prove that Buffy didn't need just dialog so he produced "Hush" and it was a great hit. If we keep watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer I might just have to get into the series it’s pretty cool.

Salt here, after watching the first episode I was so excited to watch the second one. It creped me out so much. While daydreaming in class Buffy dreamt about a girl saying a chant and that part was kind of scary because she popped up on the screen. Also the gentlemen where kind of scary but the losing the voice part was crazy creepy!!! How would you feel if your worst nightmare came in your room and was about to steal your heart and you couldn’t SCREAM???? Pretty creepy huh? I give it 4.5 out of 5 stars. I want to watch more, I'm hooked!!!

Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Halloween"

In the beginning of the show Buffy (Sarah Michelle Gellar) is to meet Angel (David Boreanaz) for their date, but she gets caught up in a pumpkin patch fighting vampires. she finally arrives to the date but sees Cordelia (Charisma Carpenter) talking to Angel.The next day at school Buffy's principle makes Buffy and her friends volunteer to take kids trick or treating. So Buffy and Willow (Alyson Hannigan)talk about angels past they sneak into Giles (Anthony Stewart Head) office and finds Watchers Diary, they want to find out the girls that angle used to date. so since they are volunteering they must get some costumes. Since Buffy wants to be pretty like the girls Angel used to date back in the 18th century. so she spots this noble woman dress. Ethan Rayne (Robin Sachs) appears, the owner of the shop and makes an an offer she cannot refuse. so she gets the dress. Buffy's friend Xander (Nicholas Brendon) buys a toy gun there and Willow who isn't really comfortable in her own skin, gets a ghost looking sheet costume. Buffy tells her its Halloween a night where you can be anything but yourself, so Willow underneath the ghost sheet is a devil. So meanwhile Spike (James Marsters) is looking over Buffy's fights, Drusilla (Juliet Landau) comes and says someone needs to take care of Buffy and make her weak. Ethan is in the back room on the shop and chanting to this statue of Janus. so then Ethan's spell works and who ever is wearing a costume from his store turns into whatever they are wearing. So Willow turns into a ghost, Xander turns into a solider and Buffy turns in to a 18th century girl. They need Buffy to save them all but she is all freaked and scared and doesn't know whats going on. So Willow goes to Giles for help. A vampire shows up and Buffy is in the kitchen with it, Angel shows his vampire face and Buffy freaks out and runs from the house. So Willow finds Giles and tells him about Ethan's costume store. Then Giles tells Ethan to reverse the spell. So then the gang get to the costume store and Xander tries to fight off Spike, then Ethan revels the secret on how to end the spell, Giles must break the statue. He does that and the spell ends. Buffy turns into her normal spell and spike flees. Buffy and Angel talk and she admits to him that she wanted to impress him.
The moral of the whole film was to be comfortable in your own skin. You shouldn't impress anyone to like you or love you, just be yourself. In the end if they truly care they will love you no matter what.

Butter here, I really enjoyed this episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It was pretty interesting and easy to follow.

Hey Salt here, I really liked this episode I think it was really interesting. Unlike other movies we’ve watched in this class (nosferatu). I used to see the series on the WB but I was like 12 and I thought it was going to be boring and kind of scary but now seeing it now it’s catching my eye. I hope we keep watching the whole series. The show not even that scary and coming from me, that’s surprising because I’m a scary-cat. I give it 4 out of 5 stars